Maybe I add Merron to C++ project with wrong method.
Here is what I do:
I change the last line of "MeroonV3-2012Jan20/make_meroon" from (compile-file "_meroon.scm") to (compile-file-to-target "_meroon.scm") . In order to get _meroon.cpp not _meroon.o1.
$ cd MeroonV3-2012Jan20/ && /make_meroon // get _meroon.cpp.
other scheme codes are compile to cpp files by gsc
then add of all them to C++ project.
On Sep 1, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Mikael wrote:
Insert a long thread-sleep! so the debugger has time to attach? Run the thing interpreted and go in singlestepping mode?
MeroonV3 doesn't do any lowlevel stuff afaik and does not use anything like (declare (not interrupts-enabled)), so any freezes should not depend on it per se but be because of some other thing, perhaps indirectly connected with it
2012/8/31 Shihpin Tseng For now I haven't. It freeze before debugger attach it, without debug info.
On Sep 1, 2012, at 3:18 AM, Mikael wrote:
Did you find the reason?
2012/7/13 Shihpin Tseng I noticed that if run app with MeroonV3 on iPhone real device, Xcode will random freeze, simulator is fine.
It costs me lots of time to find it out. To someone suffering from this problem also. :)
ENV: gambit 4.6.6 + cpp project MeroonV3-2012Jan20.tar.bz2 Xcode 4.3.3
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