I use `gsc` (v4.7.1) to build a standalone application like this:
$gsc -o myapp -exe ./core/*.scm myapp.scm
Now I would like to compile all the scheme files in `core` as a static library (libcore.a) and use it in building other apps:
$gsc -o yourapp -ld-options "-lcore" -exe yourapp.scm
I tried to use the `-link -flat` options as described in the manual but ran into linker errors. Is there a simple way to achieve what I am trying to do?
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Personally, I don't have enough information yet to offer help.
Perhaps you could show us a transcript of your session with the commands you gave and the errors you observed.
Or perhaps you could try to imitate the commands in the makefiles in lib/ gsi/ and gsc/ to make
find . -name '*.a' ./gsi/libgambitgsi.a ./gsc/libgambitgsc.a ./lib/libgambit.a
after following the build instructions on github:
Hi Brad,
Here are the steps to reproduce the error I am getting. This is the structure of the sample project folder:
myapp --> core ----> a.scm ----> b.scm --> myapp.scm
The contents of the scheme files are:
```` ;; core/a.scm (define (fa) "hello from a")
;; core/b.scm (define (fb) "hello from b")
;; myapp.scm (display (fa)) (newline) (display (fb)) (newline) ````
I build an executable like this:
```` $ gsc -o myapp -exe ./core/*.scm myapp.scm $ ./myapp
=> hello from a => hello from b ````
All is fine. Now I try to bundle core as a static library:
```` $ gsc -c -o ./core/b.c ./core/b.scm $ gsc -c -o ./core/a.c ./core/a.scm $ gsc -link -flat -o ./core/ab.c ./core/*.c $ gsc -obj -o ./core/ab.o ./core/ab.c $ ar -rc ab.a ./core/ab.o ````
I link the library while building the app:
```` $ gsc -o myapp -ld-options "ab.a" -exe myapp.scm *** WARNING -- "fa" is not defined, *** referenced in: ("/Users/me/myapp/app.c") *** WARNING -- "fb" is not defined, *** referenced in: ("/Users/me/myapp/app.c") ````
Now if I run `./myapp` it gives me this error:
```` $ ./myapp *** ERROR IN | app| -- Operator is not a PROCEDURE (#!unbound) ````
So what am I doing wrong?
On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 1:00 AM, Bradley Lucier lucier@math.purdue.edu wrote:
Hi Vijay. The basic steps you need to create a library are:
gsc -c -o core/b.c core/b.scm gsc -c -o core/a.c core/a.scm gsc -link -o core/ab.c -preload core/a.c core/b.c gsc -obj -o core/a.o core/a.c gsc -obj -o core/b.o core/b.c gsc -cc-options "-D___LIBRARY" -obj -o core/ab.o core/ab.c ar -rc ab.a core/a.o core/b.o core/ab.o
That’s basically what you had, except the important -cc-options "-D___LIBRARY" to cause the file ab.c to not generate a “main” function. Moreover, you were using a “flat” link file and you need an incremental one (so the -flat option should not be used). Why incremental? Because your library is building upon the base Gambit library (you still need access to “display”, “newline”, etc that are part of the Gambit library). If you were creating your own library to replace the Gambit library then you would use the -flat option.
So after that, you can build your app with the following commands:
gsc -link -l core/ab.c myapp.scm gcc -o myapp ab.a `gsc -e '(print (path-expand "~~lib/libgambit.a"))'` myapp_.c myapp.c
The first command creates the link file for your app (myapp_.c). Note that the -l option is used to indicate that the app is linked with your library.
The second command uses gcc to compile the C code of your app (including myapp_.c), and produce an executable file (note the linking with ab.a and libgambit.a).
An alternative to these two commands is to use this single invocation of gsc:
gsc -exe -l core/ab.c -ld-options ab.a myapp.scm
When I tried this I was surprized to see that gsc incorrectly rejects the -l option. This is a bug that was probably introduced when I did a refactoring of that compiler logic. I’ve now fixed the problem and pushed the fix to the Gambit github repo.
Yes the two commands (gsc followed by gcc) can (after the fix) be replaced by the single invocation of gsc:
gsc -exe -l core/ab.c -ld-options ab.a myapp.scm
Alternatively, you can completely avoid using gcc with the following sequence of commands (that also work without the recent fix):
gsc -link -l core/ab.c myapp.scm gsc -obj myapp.c gsc -obj myapp_.c gsc -exe -ld-options ab.a myapp.o myapp_.o
and yes, that is better than invoking gcc explicitly, because it will pass the correct options to gcc (or whatever C compiler Gambit was configured with).
Thanks Marc. I upgraded to v4.8.4 and I am able to build and link the static library without problems.
On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 1:07 AM, Marc Feeley feeley@iro.umontreal.ca wrote: