[replying to list this time - realised my last example below is probably what you intended]
it think it does work - the error seems reasonable to me.
what are you trying to do?
(define (func x y) (+ x y)) (eval (func 1 2))
3 1> (eval '(func 1 2)) 3
(eval `(func ,@'(1 2)))
3 1> (eval '(cons 4 (func 1 2))) (4 . 3) 1> (eval (cons 'func '(1 2))) 3
(eval (func 1 2)) is (eval 3) which is 3 (eval '(func 1 2)) evaluates the quoted expression (eval `(func ,@'(1 2))) is (eval '(func 1 2)) (eval (cons 'func '(1 2))) is (eval (func 1 2))
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