2009 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming Coordinated with the Symposium in Honor of Mitchell Wand
August 22, 2009 Boston, Massachusetts, USA http://www.schemeworkshop.org/2009
To the delight of all and sundry, the 2009 Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop will be held on August 22nd at Northeastern University, and it is a signal honor for me to be able to invite YOU to the WORLD'S FOREMOST WORKSHOP on the marvelous Scheme language, and to present a program PACKED with contributions from familiar faces and new ones, certain to amaze, delight, and edify. Lend us your ears, and we will widen the space between them.
- John Clements
August 11, 2009 - Registration deadline August 22, 2009 - Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming August 23-24, 2009 - Symposium in Honor of Mitchell Wand: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/events/wand-symposium
Northeastern University Boston Massachusetts Building and Room TBA
A limited block of hotel rooms has been reserved for participants of the Scheme Workshop and/or the Mitchell Wand Symposium at hotels in Cambridge and Boston. See the workshop web site for more information, and please note that some of these special rates expire soon (one as early as July 27th).
The registration fee will be $40 to help cover the operating costs and lunch accommodations. Please register by *August 11, 2009* so that we will have an accurate head count. To register, please send an email to aoeuswreg@brinckerhoff.org with your name and any dietary restrictions for lunch.
* John Clements (Cal Poly State University (organizer & chair)) * Dominique Boucher (Nu Echo) * Abdulaziz Ghuloum (Indiana University) * David Herman (Northeastern University) * Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University) * Matthew Might (University of Utah) * David Van Horn (Northeastern University)
Invited Talk on the Bootstrap Program Emmanuel Schanzer
Invited Talk on Future Directions for the Scheme Language The Newly Elected Scheme Language Steering Committee
The Scribble Reader: An Alternative to S-expressions for Textual Content Eli Barzilay
World With Web: A compiler from world applications to JavaScript Remzi Emre Başar, Caner Derici, Çağdaş Şenol
Scalable Garbage Collection with Guaranteed MMU William D Clinger, Felix S. Klock II
Distributed Software Transactional Memory Anthony Cowley
Sequence Traces for Object-Oriented Executions Carl Eastlund, Matthias Felleisen
Keyword and Optional Arguments in PLT Scheme Matthew Flatt, Eli Barzilay
Fixing Letrec (reloaded) Abdulaziz Ghuloum, R. Kent Dybvig
Descot: Distributed Code Repository Framework Aaron W. Hsu
A pattern-matcher for miniKanren -or- How to get into trouble with CPS macros Andrew W. Keep, Michael D. Adams, Lindsey Kuper, William E. Byrd, Daniel P. Friedman
Randomized Testing in PLT Redex Casey Klein, Robert Bruce Findler
Screen-Replay: A Session Recording and Analysis Tool for DrScheme Mehmet Fatih Köksal, Remzi Emre Başar, Suzan Üsküdarlı
Interprocedural Dependence Analysis of Higher-Order Programs via Stack Reachability Matthew Might, Tarun Prabhu
Get stuffed: Tightly packed abstract protocols in Scheme John Moore
Higher-Order Aspects in Order Eric Tanter
Peter J Landin (1930-2009) Olivier Danvy
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