try this:
cd /usr ; rm -rf stalin* WGET_UNPACK_HERE ftp://ftp.ecn.purdue.edu/qobi/stalin.tar.Z rm -f stalin.tar.Z ; mv stalin-0.11 stalin
WGET_UNPACK http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/download/gambit/v4.2/source/gambc-v4_2_8... ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-single-host --enable-gcc-opts make || INTERVENTION $LINENO make install
(don't worry about WGET_UNPACK WGET_UNPACK_HERE INTERVENTION, they simply wget and untar the tarball or check compilation error and does nothing else)
cat /usr/stalin/benchmarks/*.sc > /tmp/1.sc cat /tmp/1.sc | mzscheme -e '(require (lib "pretty.ss"))' -f check-parameter.sc # ok no error cat /tmp/1.sc | /usr/v4.2.8/bin/gsi check-parameter.sc
*** ERROR IN (stdin)@15339.7 -- Invalid token
cat check-parameter.sc ;(set! *parser-canonicalize-symbols?* #f)
(define (atom? x) (not (pair? x))) (define prev-token 0)
(define (transform exp) (cond ((atom? exp) (begin (set! prev-token exp) exp)) ((list? exp) (map transform exp)) (else (begin (if (not (or (eq? 'lambda prev-token) (eq? 'define prev-token))) (begin (display ";;; pair used not as lambda parameter list? ") (pretty-print (list "exp:" exp "prev-token:" prev-token)) exp)) (display ";;; lambda parameter list : ") (pretty-print exp) exp))))
(define (loop) (let ((text (read))) (if (eof-object? text) (exit) (begin (pretty-print (transform text)) (newline) (loop))))) (newline) (loop)
have fun :)
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On 9/3/08, naruto canada narutocanada@gmail.com wrote:
ha, it turns out that it's just a case-sensitivity problem. (can't parse #T), after changing #T to #t, all is well. No big deal, I was worry about something else. False alarm.