Warning: bumbling noob alert.
I'm a new Gambit user, and new to Scheme, and I am somewhat familiar with SRFI's as being a suggested library for Scheme implementers but I can't find a list of which SRFI's are supported by Gambit. Scanning the documentation I found reference to the following SRFI's:
Is this a complete list? Would it be useful someone (perhaps myself) put this list up on the Wiki? What is the best way to get an unimplemented SRFI? For example, this one interests me: http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html . Should I just download the linked Scheme file from the SRFi file? Is there any particular reason why this or other SRFI's are not included in the distribution, or did I just overlook them?
Sorry to ask so many questions, but it will help me get up to speed on the culture and eventually become a useful contributing member of this community. :-)
Any help would be much appreciated.
- Christopher Diggins
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unimplemented SRFI? For example, this one interests me: http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-1/srfi-1.html . Should I just download the linked Scheme file from the SRFi file? Is there any particular reason why this or other SRFI's are not included in the distribution, or did I just overlook them?
I essentially asked exactly this question a few days ago, so you're in good company :)
Ben Weaver responded with:
The package system for gambit can be found here: http://snow.iro.umontreal.ca/?tab=Packages
SRFI-1 is one of the available packages.
Here is a blog post about gambit namespaces that recommends Christian Jaeger’s chjmodule:
chjmodule seems pretty cool, but I've not been able to get it to compile :( But it would potentially make it easy to dynamically load the indicated SRFIs.
Eric Jonas wrote:
chjmodule seems pretty cool, but I've not been able to get it to compile :( But it would potentially make it easy to dynamically load the indicated SRFIs.
I know, a new release is long overdue. I've got some fixes for new Gambit releases now, but not just ready. Another problem is that I used to release a selection of my own modules bundled with the module system. I'd like to stop doing that and provide them separately, and provide access to my code repository. In fact I started checking in all my modules into a (private) GIT repository for over a year now, but have intermixed modules which can go public with ones that shouldn't. Does anyone know how to best separate an existing GIT repository into two parts (the private stuff and the part which I want to make open), specified by a list of file paths? It could also be a procedure using mercurial (I'd convert the archive to mercurial first).
After that, I'll probably start the Snow embracing undertaking by providing a mechanism to load Snow modules from chjmodules; this way I can turn most of my worthwhile modules into Snow packages (and publish them as such), and keep those which are using features that Snow doesn't provide [yet] as chjmodules.