I tried the following---the problem arises when I try to look at the macro expansion of this compiled file:
[descartes:programs/SAGE14/libraries] lucier% gsc loading /usr/local/Gambit-C/gambcext.scm Gambit Version 4.0 beta 12
(with-output-to-file "crap.scm" (lambda () (compile-file "srfis.scm"
'(expansion)))) *** ERROR -- Unbound variable: ##unchecked-structure-ref 1>
(compile-file "srfis.scm")
gcc: unrecognized option '-no-cpp-precomp' #t
I also find:
banach-26% grep -r unchecked-structure-ref * gsc/_prims.scm:("##unchecked-structure-ref" (4) #f () 0 (#f) extended) gsc/_t-c-2.scm:(targ-op "##unchecked-structure-ref" gsc/_t-c-2.scm:(targ-spec "##structure-ref" (targ-u "##unchecked-structure-ref")) lib/_io.scm: (##unchecked-structure-ref lib/_kernel.scm: (##unchecked-structure-ref type 1 ##type-type ##type-id)) lib/_kernel.scm: (##unchecked-structure-ref type 2 ##type-type ##type-name)) lib/_kernel.scm: (##unchecked-structure-ref type 3 ##type-type ##type-flags)) lib/_kernel.scm: (##unchecked-structure-ref type 4 ##type-type ##type-super)) lib/_kernel.scm: (##unchecked-structure-ref type 5 ##type-type ##type-fields)) lib/_kernel.scm: (##unchecked-structure-ref type 6 ##type-type ##type-cfields)) lib/_kernel.scm: (##unchecked-structure-ref obj i type proc)
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