Hi all,
I'm trying to compile a simple program and am having a weird syntax error that I can't figure out. It seems to follow the example code for c-lambda but i get the error:
libcurl.scm: *** ERROR IN | syntax-case.o1| -- invalid syntax ()
I'm attaching my example files as well as inlining them here:
(c-declare "#include "curl.h";")
(c-initialize "curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);")
(define curl-version (c-lambda () char-string "curl_version"))
The command that I'm compiling with is
gsc -link libcurl.scm test.scm
BTW, I'm using gambit 4.0.0
(print (curl-version))
(c-declare "#include "curl.h";")
(c-initialize "curl_global_init (CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);")
(define curl-version (c-lambda () char-string "curl_version"))
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