(define-macro (foo) (define x 20) (define (magic-func var-name) ...)
(pp (magic-func 'x)))
Is there anyway I can define magic-func so that 20 is outputted?
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it looks like the stuff in lib/_eval.scm , especially with ##eval and the ##*cte* stuff seems like it might work; but I can't quite get it; anyone have experience?
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:09 AM, lowly coderlowlycoder@huoyanjinjing.com wrote:
(define-macro (foo) (define x 20) (define (magic-func var-name) ...)
(pp (magic-func 'x)))
Is there anyway I can define magic-func so that 20 is outputted?
On 13-Aug-09, at 7:22 AM, lowly coder wrote:
it looks like the stuff in lib/_eval.scm , especially with ##eval and the ##*cte* stuff seems like it might work; but I can't quite get it; anyone have experience?
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:09 AM, lowly coderlowlycoder@huoyanjinjing.com wrote:
(define-macro (foo) (define x 20) (define (magic-func var-name) ...)
(pp (magic-func 'x)))
Is there anyway I can define magic-func so that 20 is outputted?
With the code attached below, do:
(define (magic-func var-name) (env-ref (the-env) var-name))
(include "~~lib/_gambit#.scm")
(define (the-env) ;; get the environment at the call site (##continuation-capture (lambda (cont) (if (##interp-continuation? cont) (let (($code (##interp-continuation-code cont)) (rte (##interp-continuation-rte cont))) (cons (macro-code-cte $code) rte)) (error "the-env must be called from interpreted code")))))
(define (env-ref env var) ;; fetch variable from an environment (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-ref (##make-global-var var))) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-ref r i) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
(define (env-set! env var val) ;; modify variable in an environment (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-set! (##make-global-var var) val)) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-set! r i val) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
;; test:
(define (f var) (let ((x 11))
(define (g y) (* y y))
(pp (env-ref (the-env) 'g))
(pp (env-ref (the-env) var)) (env-set! (the-env) var 22) (pp (env-ref (the-env) var))
(pp (g x))))
(f 'x)
Works perfectly. Thanks!
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:56 AM, Marc Feeleyfeeley@iro.umontreal.ca wrote:
On 13-Aug-09, at 7:22 AM, lowly coder wrote:
it looks like the stuff in lib/_eval.scm , especially with ##eval and the ##*cte* stuff seems like it might work; but I can't quite get it; anyone have experience?
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:09 AM, lowly coderlowlycoder@huoyanjinjing.com wrote:
(define-macro (foo) (define x 20) (define (magic-func var-name) ...)
(pp (magic-func 'x)))
Is there anyway I can define magic-func so that 20 is outputted?
With the code attached below, do:
(define (magic-func var-name) (env-ref (the-env) var-name))
(include "~~lib/_gambit#.scm")
(define (the-env) ;; get the environment at the call site (##continuation-capture (lambda (cont) (if (##interp-continuation? cont) (let (($code (##interp-continuation-code cont)) (rte (##interp-continuation-rte cont))) (cons (macro-code-cte $code) rte)) (error "the-env must be called from interpreted code")))))
(define (env-ref env var) ;; fetch variable from an environment (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-ref (##make-global-var var))) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-ref r i) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
(define (env-set! env var val) ;; modify variable in an environment (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-set! (##make-global-var var) val)) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-set! r i val) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
;; test:
(define (f var) (let ((x 11))
(define (g y) (* y y))
(pp (env-ref (the-env) 'g))
(pp (env-ref (the-env) var)) (env-set! (the-env) var 22) (pp (env-ref (the-env) var))
(pp (g x))))
(f 'x)
This doesn't seem to work with namespaces
For example:
(namespace ("foo#")) (##include "~~lib/gambit#.scm")
(##define-macro (macro-code-cte c) `(##vector-ref ,c 2))
(##define-macro (macro-rte-up rte) `(##vector-ref ,rte 0))
(define (the-env) (##continuation-capture (lambda (cont) (if (##interp-continuation? cont) (let (($code (##interp-continuation-code cont)) (rte (##interp-continuation-rte cont))) (cons (macro-code-cte $code) rte)) (error "the-env must be called from interpreted code")))))
(define (env-ref env var) (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-ref (##make-global-var var))) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-ref r i) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
(define x 20)
(pp (env-ref (the-env) 'x))
--> gives me #!unbound
yet if I uncomment the first two lines, I get 20
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 1:45 PM, lowly coderlowlycoder@huoyanjinjing.com wrote:
Works perfectly. Thanks!
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:56 AM, Marc Feeleyfeeley@iro.umontreal.ca wrote:
On 13-Aug-09, at 7:22 AM, lowly coder wrote:
it looks like the stuff in lib/_eval.scm , especially with ##eval and the ##*cte* stuff seems like it might work; but I can't quite get it; anyone have experience?
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:09 AM, lowly coderlowlycoder@huoyanjinjing.com wrote:
(define-macro (foo) (define x 20) (define (magic-func var-name) ...)
(pp (magic-func 'x)))
Is there anyway I can define magic-func so that 20 is outputted?
With the code attached below, do:
(define (magic-func var-name) (env-ref (the-env) var-name))
(include "~~lib/_gambit#.scm")
(define (the-env) ;; get the environment at the call site (##continuation-capture (lambda (cont) (if (##interp-continuation? cont) (let (($code (##interp-continuation-code cont)) (rte (##interp-continuation-rte cont))) (cons (macro-code-cte $code) rte)) (error "the-env must be called from interpreted code")))))
(define (env-ref env var) ;; fetch variable from an environment (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-ref (##make-global-var var))) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-ref r i) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
(define (env-set! env var val) ;; modify variable in an environment (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-set! (##make-global-var var) val)) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-set! r i val) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
;; test:
(define (f var) (let ((x 11))
(define (g y) (* y y))
(pp (env-ref (the-env) 'g))
(pp (env-ref (the-env) var)) (env-set! (the-env) var 22) (pp (env-ref (the-env) var))
(pp (g x))))
(f 'x)
so if I use (env-ref (the-env) 'foo#x) , it works
perhaps this is due to me not understanding how ##namespace works
Marc -- can you explain a bit more about how ##namespace is implemented? I seem to often misunderstand it. My current understanding is that ##namespae is handled all at read time, where if I have
(##namespace ("foo#"))
then in the rest of the file, if gambit reads any unquoted symbol 'asdf', it replaces it with foo#asdf
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 11:01 PM, lowly coderlowlycoder@huoyanjinjing.com wrote:
This doesn't seem to work with namespaces
For example:
(namespace ("foo#")) (##include "~~lib/gambit#.scm")
(##define-macro (macro-code-cte c) `(##vector-ref ,c 2))
(##define-macro (macro-rte-up rte) `(##vector-ref ,rte 0))
(define (the-env) (##continuation-capture (lambda (cont) (if (##interp-continuation? cont) (let (($code (##interp-continuation-code cont)) (rte (##interp-continuation-rte cont))) (cons (macro-code-cte $code) rte)) (error "the-env must be called from interpreted code")))))
(define (env-ref env var) (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-ref (##make-global-var var))) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-ref r i) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
(define x 20)
(pp (env-ref (the-env) 'x))
--> gives me #!unbound
yet if I uncomment the first two lines, I get 20
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 1:45 PM, lowly coderlowlycoder@huoyanjinjing.com wrote:
Works perfectly. Thanks!
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:56 AM, Marc Feeleyfeeley@iro.umontreal.ca wrote:
On 13-Aug-09, at 7:22 AM, lowly coder wrote:
it looks like the stuff in lib/_eval.scm , especially with ##eval and the ##*cte* stuff seems like it might work; but I can't quite get it; anyone have experience?
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:09 AM, lowly coderlowlycoder@huoyanjinjing.com wrote:
(define-macro (foo) (define x 20) (define (magic-func var-name) ...)
(pp (magic-func 'x)))
Is there anyway I can define magic-func so that 20 is outputted?
With the code attached below, do:
(define (magic-func var-name) (env-ref (the-env) var-name))
(include "~~lib/_gambit#.scm")
(define (the-env) ;; get the environment at the call site (##continuation-capture (lambda (cont) (if (##interp-continuation? cont) (let (($code (##interp-continuation-code cont)) (rte (##interp-continuation-rte cont))) (cons (macro-code-cte $code) rte)) (error "the-env must be called from interpreted code")))))
(define (env-ref env var) ;; fetch variable from an environment (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-ref (##make-global-var var))) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-ref r i) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
(define (env-set! env var val) ;; modify variable in an environment (let loop1 ((c (car env)) (r (cdr env))) (cond ((##cte-top? c) (##global-var-set! (##make-global-var var) val)) ((##cte-frame? c) (let loop2 ((vars (##cte-frame-vars c)) (i 1)) (if (pair? vars) (if (eq? var (##car vars)) (vector-set! r i val) (loop2 (cdr vars) (+ i 1))) (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) (macro-rte-up r))))) (else (loop1 (##cte-parent-cte c) r)))))
;; test:
(define (f var) (let ((x 11))
(define (g y) (* y y))
(pp (env-ref (the-env) 'g))
(pp (env-ref (the-env) var)) (env-set! (the-env) var 22) (pp (env-ref (the-env) var))
(pp (g x))))
(f 'x)