In any case, I was away hiking in the mountains for a few days to come back to the Lively thread.
I tend to "think in code" by building prototypes, so don't expect too much.
I have added Sdl-proto.tgz to the dumping grounds. It has some built-it-yourself OO code and the start of a separate API for SDL. Test 3 uses a simple renderer and UI event system and you can drag a rectangle around.
I am playing with ideas from Morphic/Lively and SK8 [a cool Apple multimedia authoring environment which never saw the light of day built using Mac Common Lisp;]. I hope the code will spark some ideas.
Note that I have only tested on Kubuntu Linux and QNX. Windoze and MacOS users will have to fend for themselves. I have limited time, but send me the gripes [and fixes!] anyway.
Now for the other 99.8% of the code.. ;^)
Cheers, -KenD
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