Also, in favor of an XMPP-based project... that's what Google talk uses, so it should be in their interest as well.
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Patrick Logan wrote:
Also, in favor of an XMPP-based project... that's what Google talk uses, so it should be in their interest as well.
Perhaps you could suggest it under the Jabber organization, if you don't get Gambit in as a mentoring organization...
Later, Blake.
Other thoughts for the summer of code...
* I don't know if such a thing exists already: use SWIG to generate the FFI for C libraries.
* Languages running on Gambit: e.g. implement Ruby or Javascript compiling to Gambit, at least simple demonstrations of those languages for the summer. A neat demo would be subsets of Ruby, Javascript, and Scheme compiling into their own shared-nothing processes (much like Termite), and allowing them to pass constant Scheme data or maybe JSON structures back and forth to each other.
(And then use that XMPP client I suggested earlier to pass these things to other Gambit processes on other machines.)