I've just put ETOS (the Erlang to Scheme compiler) on github. The repo is at this URL:
ETOS supports a large chunk of the Erlang language, but very few of its libraries. I can give push access to anyone interested in improving the system (improving the compiler, porting it to other Scheme systems, adding libraries, etc).
The README file is attached below.
ETOS is an Erlang to Scheme compiler designed at the Universite de Montreal. The Scheme code it generates is compiled to native code with the Gambit Scheme compiler, which allows it to achieve good performance.
Here are some papers and presentations on ETOS:
- "Compiling Erlang to Scheme", PLILP 1998 (http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~feeley/papers/FeeleyLarosePLILP98.pdf)
- "Status report on the ETOS Erlang to Scheme compiler", Erlang User Conference 1999 (http://www.erlang.org/euc/99/ETOS.ps)
- "Etos: an Erlang to Scheme compiler", Technical Report 1079, 1997, DIRO, Universite de Montreal (http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~feeley/papers/FeeleyLaroseDIRO1079.pdf)
Before installing ETOS, you must install the Gambit Scheme compiler (http://gambit.iro.umontreal.ca/). ETOS v2.4 has been tested with Gambit v4.6.5 (older versions of Gambit will probably work too, but don't go too far back).
Then build ETOS with the command
% make install
This will place the following files in the bin/ directory:
etos the ETOS compiler
estart the program loader
rt-gambit.scm a Scheme file with macro definitions required by the Gambit Scheme compiler to compile the Scheme files produced by ETOS
If you wish to install these files somewhere else, then change the definition of INSTALL_DIR in the Makefile before the "make install".
Note that on some platforms it can take a long time to compile etos. On Mac OS X with LLVM gcc, it takes roughly half an hour on a fast machine (with GNU gcc it takes only a few minutes).
Erlang files, with extension .erl, can be compiled by invoking etos:
% bin/etos hw.erl
By default this will produce the files hw.scm, the Scheme code generated, and hw.o1 (or hw.o2, etc) which is the dynamically loadable object file produced from hw.scm by the Gambit Scheme compiler.
To execute the program, simply invoke estart with the name of the module, "hw" in this case:
% bin/estart hw "Hello World!"
You can get usage information on these programs with:
% bin/etos --help
or man pages with:
% man man/man1/etos.1 % man man/man1/estart.1
The benchmarks can be run with the command:
% make bench
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That's great Marc, thanks for that!
John :^P-- John Pallister john@johnp.net john@synchromesh.com
On Wednesday, 28 March 2012 at 01:37, Marc Feeley wrote:
I've just put ETOS (the Erlang to Scheme compiler) on github. The repo is at this URL:
ETOS supports a large chunk of the Erlang language, but very few of its libraries. I can give push access to anyone interested in improving the system (improving the compiler, porting it to other Scheme systems, adding libraries, etc).
The README file is attached below.
ETOS is an Erlang to Scheme compiler designed at the Universite de Montreal. The Scheme code it generates is compiled to native code with the Gambit Scheme compiler, which allows it to achieve good performance.
Here are some papers and presentations on ETOS:
- "Compiling Erlang to Scheme", PLILP 1998
- "Status report on the ETOS Erlang to Scheme compiler", Erlang User
Conference 1999 (http://www.erlang.org/euc/99/ETOS.ps)
- "Etos: an Erlang to Scheme compiler", Technical Report 1079,
1997, DIRO, Universite de Montreal (http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~feeley/papers/FeeleyLaroseDIRO1079.pdf)
Before installing ETOS, you must install the Gambit Scheme compiler (http://gambit.iro.umontreal.ca/). ETOS v2.4 has been tested with Gambit v4.6.5 (older versions of Gambit will probably work too, but don't go too far back).
Then build ETOS with the command
% make install
This will place the following files in the bin/ directory:
etos the ETOS compiler
estart the program loader
rt-gambit.scm a Scheme file with macro definitions required by the Gambit Scheme compiler to compile the Scheme files produced by ETOS
If you wish to install these files somewhere else, then change the definition of INSTALL_DIR in the Makefile before the "make install".
Note that on some platforms it can take a long time to compile etos. On Mac OS X with LLVM gcc, it takes roughly half an hour on a fast machine (with GNU gcc it takes only a few minutes).
Erlang files, with extension .erl, can be compiled by invoking etos:
% bin/etos hw.erl
By default this will produce the files hw.scm, the Scheme code generated, and hw.o1 (or hw.o2, etc) which is the dynamically loadable object file produced from hw.scm by the Gambit Scheme compiler.
To execute the program, simply invoke estart with the name of the module, "hw" in this case:
% bin/estart hw "Hello World!"
You can get usage information on these programs with:
% bin/etos --help
or man pages with:
% man man/man1/etos.1 % man man/man1/estart.1
The benchmarks can be run with the command:
% make bench