Here is the final program for the 2010 Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming. For the abstracts please check the website (
To take advantage of the early registration price, please register by ***AUGUST 9***.
Marc Feeley
Saturday, August 21
8:15 On-site registration and breakfast
9:00 Invited Talk; To be announced Olin Shivers; Northeastern University
10:00 Break
Session 1
10:30 Functional Data Structures for Typed Racket Hari Prashanth K R and Sam Tobin-Hochstadt; Northeastern University
11:00 Implementing User-level Value-weak Hashtables Aaron W. Hsu; Indiana University
11:30 Break
Session 2
12:00 Pushdown Control-Flow Analysis of Higher-Order Programs Christopher Earl (1), Matthew Might (1), and David Van Horn (2); (1)University of Utah, (2)Northeastern University
12:30 Lightning talks Speakers to be announced at the workshop
12:45 Lunch break
Session 3
14:00 Measuring the Effectiveness of Error Messages Designed for Novice Programmers Guillaume Marceau (1), Kathi Fisler (1), and Shriram Krishnamurthi (2); (1)Worcester Polytechnic Institute, (2)Brown University
14:30 JazzScheme: Evolution of a Lisp-Based Development System Guillaume Cartier and Louis-Julien Guillemette; Auphelia Technologies Inc.
15:00 Break
Session 4
15:30 The Design of a Functional Image Library Ian Barland (1), Robert Findler (2), and Matthew Flatt (3); (1)Radford University, (2)Northwestern University, (3)University of Utah
16:00 Enabling cross-library optimization and compile-time error checking in the presence of procedural macros Andrew Keep and R. Kent Dybvig; Indiana University
16:30 Break
Session 5
17:00 Guiding Requirements for the Ongoing Scheme Standardization Process Mario Latendresse; SRI International
17:20 Lightning talks; Speakers to be announced at the workshop
Sunday, August 22
8:15 Breakfast
9:00 Invited Talk; Contracts in Racket Robert Findler; Northwestern University
10:00 Break
Session 6
10:30 Report by the Scheme Language Steering Committee and report by the Scheme Language Working Groups
12:00 Closing
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