Really strange for me. The following piece of code
(pp (cadar '(("a" ("b" "c")) ("e" "f"))))
displays "e" in Gambit-compiled code, and ("b" "c") in Gambit interpreter.
Any ideas?
I use Gambit Version 4.0 beta 14.
Thanks in advance, Dmitry
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On 7 Sep 2005, "Dmitry Lizorkin" lizorkin@ispras.ru wrote:
(pp (cadar '(("a" ("b" "c")) ("e" "f"))))
displays "e" in Gambit-compiled code, and ("b" "c") in Gambit interpreter.
Any ideas?
A known bug that I reported on 2005-07-15. (Is there an ML archive anywhere? I will mail you Marc's fix.)
At 13:18 Uhr +0200 07.09.2005, Sven.Hartrumpf@fernuni-hagen.de wrote:
(Is there an ML archive anywhere?
From the mail headers: List-Archive: http://mailman.iro.umontreal.ca/pipermail/gambit-list
(But I think a link on the Gambit website might be useful.)
From the mail headers: List-Archive: http://mailman.iro.umontreal.ca/pipermail/gambit-list
(But I think a link on the Gambit website might be useful.)
It works all right now. Thank you for your help.