FYI: I tried to install the generic Snow framework (v1.1.1) using Gambit v4.1.2 on x86/linux 2.6.23.
----------------------------------------------- testing gambit START OF SELF TEST exceptions, records, optional parameters, keywords, fixnum, homovector, timeFAILED: (and (bignum>= 1200329657 1168000000) (bignum<= 1200329657 1200000000)) , bignum, string, filesys, hostossh: unknowncommand: command not found , random, extio, genport, digest, aes, http*** ERROR IN tcpip/v1#tcpip-call-with-tcp-client, "pack/tcpip/v1.1.2/snow/tcpip.scm"@42.1 -- Unknown host (open-tcp-client '(server-address: "snow.iro.umontreal.ca" port-number: 80)) gambit has ***failed*** the self test
Looks like it failed the 'time' test.
Best Regards
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