Christian et al,
I ran it under gdb having rebuilt gsi / gsc with --debug and without. Little difference in either case. The attached files form the framework with the exception of the SLIB library of utilty functions. The output from gdb is in gdbout.Ran the code compiled and interpreted with no noted difference.
On Tuesday, November 25, 2008, at 05:59PM, "Christian Jaeger" wrote:
Christian Jaeger wrote:
Your best bet (short of someone going to debug it for you) really is running Gambit under gdb and see where it crashes. Just run "gdb gsc" and from there load your program as usual (assuming you're using, or know how to use, |compile-file| and |load| for your programs), or "gdb yourlinkedprogram" or "gdb gsi-script" or whatever. Then "run eventualprogramarguments" then "backtrace" when it crashed.
PS. I once wrote a script named "with-gdb-backtrace-to" which makes running apps under gdb trivial, I've now put it up here:;f=with-gdb-backtr...