On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 11:47:48AM -0400, Bradley Lucier wrote:
This is the same program, run on my new desktop:
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
with 16GB of RAM, which seems to run 2-3 times as fast as the server in the math department. (Luckily, a new server will be up and running soon.)
Chudnovsky's algorithm using binary splitting in Gambit Scheme: digits 1000000000, CPU time: 14459.672. Last 5 digits 45519.
On Wed, 10 Jul 2013 14:28:48 EDT Hendrik Boom hendrik@topoi.pooq.com wrote:
Is it now faster to calculate them than to download them?
A C version of the same algorithm takes about 40 minutes (on an 3.6Ghz AMD FX with 16GB). If you have an internet link that can sustain 417KB/s you can download faster :-)
From earlier in this thread:
On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:25:15 PDT Bakul Shah bakul@bitblocks.com wrote:
On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 22:05:20 CDT Phil Bewig pbewig@gmail.com wrote:
What is the time complexity of the Chudnovsky algorithm?
It probably wouldn't be hard to figure out the number of additions, multiplications etc. as a function of how many terms are being evaluated.
I had measured these a while ago:
(test 1000000)
1000000: 211545 +, 356108 -, 775665 *, 141030 quotients
21% adds 36% subtracts 77% multiplies 14% quotients
These counts scale linearly.
-- Bakul
(define _* *) (define _+ +) (define _- -) (define _quotient quotient) (define +count 0) (define -count 0) (define *count 0) (define qcount 0) (set! + (lambda x (set! +count (_+ 1 +count)) (apply _+ x))) (set! - (lambda x (set! -count (_+ 1 -count)) (apply _- x))) (set! * (lambda x (set! *count (_+ 1 *count)) (apply _* x))) (set! quotient (lambda x (set! qcount (_+ 1 qcount)) (apply _quotient x)))
(define (pi digits) (let* ((A 13591409) (B 545140134) (C 640320) (C^3 (expt 640320 3)) (D 12)) (define (split m n) (if (= 1 (- n m)) (let ((g (* (- (* 6 n) 5) (- (* 2 n) 1) (- (* 6 n) 1)))) (list g (quotient (* C^3 (expt n 3)) 24) (* (expt -1 n) g (+ (* n B) A)))) (let* ((mid (quotient (+ m n) 2)) (gpq1 (split m mid)) (gpq2 (split mid n)) (g1 (car gpq1)) (p1 (cadr gpq1)) (q1 (caddr gpq1)) (g2 (car gpq2)) (p2 (cadr gpq2)) (q2 (caddr gpq2))) (list (* g1 g2) (* p1 p2) (+ (* q1 p2) (* q2 g1)))))) (let* ((num-terms (inexact->exact (floor (+ 2 (/ digits 14.181647462))))) (sqrt-C (integer-sqrt (* C (expt 100 digits)))) (gpq (split 0 num-terms)) (g (car gpq)) (p (cadr gpq)) (q (caddr gpq))) (quotient (* p C sqrt-C) (* D (+ q (* p A)))))))
(define (print . x) (for-each display x))
(define (test count) (set! +count 0) (set! -count 0) (set! *count 0) (set! qcount 0) (pi count) (print count ": " +count " +, " -count " -, " *count " *, " qcount " quotients\n"))