.. and you have to fully qualify symbols ...
It's worse than this. Consider the following example:
Assuming this macro is part of a package utils# :
(define-macro (do-times i-and-n . body) (let ((i (car i-and-n)) (nn (cdr i-and-n)) (n (gensym))) `(let ((,n ,nn)) (do ((,i 0 (+ ,i 1))) ((= ,i ,n))
((utils#= ,i ,n))
;; This barfs, because we've *locally* bound "=" (pretend we've suitably defined vector=)
What I said ;).
Well ok the above assumes chjmodule semantics, e.g. if the package utils imports the gambit / r5rs standard identifyers, utils#= is the same as the standard gambit = (e.g. there's a (define utils#= (let () (##namespace ("")) =))) in your code at some place).