I wrote:
BTW be careful: macros using (begin ..) to output multiple forms will not give what you want since the current interpreter strips the begin during parsing time:
I forgot that the macro could also have output nothing, i.e. (begin). This should be correct in all(tm) circumstances:
(define (macro-expand-decompile-thunk thunk+) (let* ((code (cddr (##decompile thunk+))) (len (length code)) ;; strip last faked element: (code (take code (- len 1)))) (cond ((null? code) '(begin)) ((null? (cdr code)) (car code)) (else `(begin ,@code)))))
(define-macro (macro-expand syntax) `(cj-macro-util#macro-expand-decompile-thunk (lambda () ,syntax (fake-form))))
It requires the srfi-1 take function and expects that this code is put into the cj-macro-util# namespace.