Joel Borggrén-Franck wrote:
Is this possible? '(begin)' is as far as I can tell not a valid form in r5rs? Both 'lambda' and 'begin' requires a '<sequence>' which requires at least one '<expression>' which at a glance can't be empty.
I'm too lazy to check any *r*rs right now, but I think it would only be natural / consistent to allow empty begin. That's not 'logically' the same as an empty lambda, i.e. it's reasonable that it depends on the environment where you put an empty begin form, and not on the begin form itself, whether it is valid. (Note that I think "begin" is rather just meant as a list of forms to be merged into the environment. Calling it a sequencing form could be called wrong, since it's the lambda around it which does the sequencing, not the begin itself. Anyway that's how I see it being implemented in Gambit (4.0 beta 21 anyway) and it does make sense to me.)
In fact Gambit doesn't allow empty lambdas, which is why I put the fake form there.