On 2013-03-12, at 11:52 PM, Jason Felice jason.m.felice@gmail.com wrote:
I'm playing with macro-readtable-bracket-keyword-set! and can't get it to work when compiling files.
I tried inline with the code, but realized that won't evaluate at compile time,
You are correct. This makes a change to the main readtable at run time (when the compiled program is executed).
then did the define-macro/eval begin trick and found that brackets still don't expand.
That's because it makes a change to the main readtable at macro expansion time, which happens after the program has been parsed by read.
It works fine in gsi.
You want to change the readtable before the source program is parsed. This can be done with the -e command line option which executes a Scheme expression before compiling the source files:
gsc -e '(include "~~lib/_gambit#.scm") (macro-readtable-bracket-keyword-set! ##main-readtable (quote ObjC-send))' test.scm
You could also create a "objc.scm" file with the code which modifies the reatable and do:
gsc -e '(load "objc.scm")' test.scm
You could also add the readtable modification to your gambcini.scm or gambcext.scm file. The GAMBCOPT environment variable is another way.