On 2013-06-18, at 10:28 AM, Mikael mikael.rcv@gmail.com wrote:
So, say that I have an object z that I want to check all refs to:
(define x (vector 1 2 3))
well, and let's create two refs so the environment is completely set up:
(define y (lambda () z)) (define z (vector x))
Scheme object references can be exported and imported using
(define int->scheme-object (c-lambda (unsigned-int64) scheme-object "___result = ___arg1;")) (define scheme-object->int (c-lambda (scheme-object) unsigned-int64 "___result = ___arg1;"))
These functions already exist:
(##object->encoding (cons 11 22))
(##encoding->object 4562002011)
(11 . 22)
Of course, this is unsafe...
so I do
(define r (scheme-object->int x)) r
which shows that this vector has reference number 18446744072497743289 .
To the beginning of mem.c (row 20 and on) I add
___WORD DEBUG_scanned_for_object_ref = -1;
and in GDB I do
set var DEBUG_scanned_for_object_ref=18446744072497743289
and then to validate_old_obj (or mark_array) I add the equivalence check:
if (obj == DEBUG_scanned_for_object_ref) { fprintf(stderr,"The scanned for object reference %lu was referenced to by %lu .\n",DEBUG_scanned_for_object_ref,DEBUG_at_object); }
Indeed it trigs as it should!
Now, question is just how to extract DEBUG_at_object .
So, presuming reference_location == IN_OBJECT , we have the content of the object containing the reference in container_body , and we can print some debug info about this object using explain_problem .
How do I get the ___SCMOBJ that container_body will have after the garbage collection is performed?
The container_body is a pointer to the body of the copied object. So it is the new location.
(Or alternatively, how do I cancel the garbage collection, and get the ___SCMOBJ for container_body in its present location)
I don't think aborting a GC is safe. *Don't do it*