On 2012-01-14, at 7:34 AM, Sascha Ziemann wrote:
2012/1/13 Marc Feeley feeley@iro.umontreal.ca:
*** ERROR IN out-print-table-data, "silex/silex.scm"@4774.13 -- Number of arguments exceeds implementation limit (string-append
Just replace (apply string-append x) with (append-strings x).
Thanks! This fixes the problem without the need to patch silex:
(cond-expand (gambit (define %apply apply) (define-syntax apply (syntax-rules (string-append) ((_ string-append list) (append-strings list)) ((_ func list) (%apply func list))))) (else #f))
Something like the following definition will also solve the problem, but without relying on a syntactic pattern.
(define apply (let ((old-apply apply)) (lambda (f args) (cond ((eq? f string-append) (append-strings args)) ((eq? f string) (list->string args)) ;;... (else (old-apply f args))))))