From: Per Eckerdal
This was because of a bug in match, it used a function in Black Hole that has been removed. It is fixed now.
Thank you very much.
I've also tried Alex Shinn's match:
What is that?
I've also some troubles with srfi-11 reference implementation:
Loaded Black Hole. Gambit v4.6.0
(import srfi-11)
(let-values (((a b) (values 0 1)) ((c d) (values 2 3))) (list a b c d))
=> (2 2 2 2) ;; should be (0 1 2 3)
(let*-values (((a b) (values 0 1)) ((c d) (values 2 3))) (list a b c d))
=> (0 0 2 2) ;; should be (0 1 2 3)