It is not clear to me why it isn’t sufficient for your use case to just call gsi without the -:t8 runtime option. This will display strings/symbols/chars pretty-printed by the REPL using escapes on Unicode characters > 127.
Put another way, what would be the motivation to start gsi with the -:t8 runtime option if you want to see pretty-printed strings with escapes?
On May 30, 2015, at 9:54 PM, Adam wrote:
2015-05-31 1:11 GMT+05:30 Marc Feeley
On May 30, 2015, at 3:26 PM, Adam wrote:
Marc, what do those who want preserve the escaping of >=128 do (independent of which terminal encoding is used but for instance with -:t8)?
(output-port-readtable-set! (repl-output-port) (readtable-max-unescaped-char-set (output-port-readtable (repl-output-port)) (integer->char 127)))
In your Scheme program or gambcini file.
What's your take now on what you said yesterday as quoted in , and the other reflections on this topic there?