On 17-Jun-06, at 12:34 PM, Sakai, Kazuhiro wrote:
Hi again.
This time I am getting the following error when I try the X example of the documentation:
$ make examples rm -f bounce.o* ../../gsc/gsc -:="../.." -dynamic -cc-options " -I/usr/X11R6/ include" -ld-options " -lSM -lICE -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11" bounce.scm rm -f Xlib.o* ../../gsc/gsc -:="../.." -dynamic -cc-options " -I/usr/X11R6/ include" -ld-options " -lSM -lICE -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11" Xlib.scm ../../gsi/gsi Xlib -e '(load "bounce") (main)' *** ERROR IN (string)@1.18 -- Unbound variable: sc#main
This last line is suspicious. It seems that you are in the "sc#" namespace. This is probably because you did an (include "~~/syntax- case.scm") somewhere, probably in the file gambcini.scm or gambcext.scm . Just avoid doing that, or alternatively, type
../../gsi/gsi Xlib -e '(load "bounce") (namespace ("" main)) (main)'