Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2008 16:07:42 -0500 From: Blake Winton
(I'ld even live with ($ a b c), but I can't seem to get that working either.)
(define-syntax $ (syntax-rules () (($ x) (quasiquote x)))),
(define-macro ($ x) (list 'quasiquote x)).
(This is subtly different from what I am guessing you asked for, but more general: I am guessing that by ($ a b c) you meant `(a b c), but in that case you have no way to write `a for something that is not a list (e.g., a vector). This may not matter to you -- modifying the above macros to do that is left as a trivial exercise for the reader.)
Alteration of the $ character in the readtable is generally a bad idea, because there may be many legitimate symbols that begin with it, which you would be left with no way to name.
Alternatively, is there really no way for you to enter a backtick, or to translate the $ key stroke to a ` character? If you used $, your code would be very confusing for anyone who tried to read it.