2009/6/9 Marc Feeley feeley@iro.umontreal.ca:
I hope you will port the next release when it comes out (soon!). 4.4.3 has a few nasty bugs (such as leaving the terminal in non-blocking mode).
Next updates should now be piece of cake.
I've added these options to the configure script: --enable-interpreter-name=INTERP --enable-compiler-name=COMP a different OS, etc). We strongly suggest that the names start with gsi and gsc respectively, so that shell tab completion will help the user discover the correct name.
Great! I should do a poll, but I arbitrary chose gsi-gambit and gsc-gambit.
That documentation suggests that the targets install-pdf, install-html and install-info are deprecated. Can you explain why and when these are needed?
I had an issue with a BSD port makefile (on top of gambit's) which wanted to call those. A quick fix in this makefile did the job. Still, I don't have a linux to compare right now, but are "info gsi" and "info gsc" supposed to do something? Only "info gambit-c" displays an info page. I'll have to check with my ubuntu tonight (which has a quite old package too, afair)
(load "~~lib/syntax-case.scm")
My bad. I don't remember seeing this said to be already implemented on the ML.
Last but not least, when I tried a complete parallel "make -j 4 install" from scratch, I had errors.
Please submit some details. And please use Gambit's bugzilla bug tracking system (http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/bugzilla/) so that the bugs and feature requests can be tracked.
It looks like the BSD makefile does not like manual "make -jN install". The -j option is actually supposed to be triggered by the port system itself. This thus looks like a BSD bug, a race condition in the port system −where parallel build is working but not perfect−, rather than gambit's fault (error attached anyway. See lines 112/118. This is a message by BSD's port makefile, not gambit's. So I'll just use the makefile properly (not pass the -j myself) and everything will be fine).
Sorry for the noise.