On Mar 28, 2008, at 9:31 AM, Pierre-Alexandre Fournier wrote:
for those of you interested in numerical analysis, I've added Gambit Scheme interfaces to high-performance BLAS and FFTW3 libraries in the Dumping Grounds: http://dynamo.iro.umontreal.ca/~gambit/wiki/index.php/Dumping_Grounds
Your wrappers look interesting.
IANAL, but your statements that your packages are "in the public domain" and "are licensed under BSD" are contradictory---the BSD license assumes that you own the copyright (which you do, because you wrote the packages), while "public domain" means that the work is no longer under copyright (perhaps because you disclaimed the copyright and "released" them into the public domain).
Also, FFTW3 is licensed under the GPL (not even the slightly less restrictive LGPL), so while each person can use FFTW3 for his or her own purposes, FFTW3 can be distributed as "part of" a larger work only if that larger work is itself distributed under the GPL.
I wouldn't like to see this list become a discussion forum for licenses, but those are two items that struck me about your announcement.