Hi there,
I asked this question over on StackOverflow yesterday, but it's not had any joy so far.
I've got a C function behind a c-lambda which needs to do some grubbing around with a select(2) call and decide on a scheme symbol to return as an indication of what it did, and whether an error condition occurred. Basically I want to use that symbol as a signal to drive a transition in a state machine.
How one gets hold of a named symbol as a ___SCMOBJ (or anything more appropriate) from C isn't explained in the docs, and the wiki seems to have fallen over. It's also not immediately obvious from gambit.h whether there's a macro for this purpose.
I've tried doing this:
(define (foo) 'bar)
and taking a look at the C it generates, but it looks to me like following this pattern only works if you know the offset into the symbol table in advance.
Is this possible out of the box? My workaround at the moment is to pass in returnable symbols as arguments to the function, but with a larger set of symbols I want to be able to return, that's going to get very unwieldy very quickly.