I'm not sure this is your specific problem, but it might lead you to a solution. My suggestion is...
avoid using with-exception-**handler** unless you know what you are doing
Instead use with-exception-**catcher** . When you use with-exception- handler, you can get into infinite loops (which gobble the memory in your heap) when your exception handler raises an exception, and this seems to be the case here.
On 22-Sep-08, at 12:26 PM, Joel J. Adamson wrote:
(define (mem-handler exc) (if (or (heap-overflow-exception? exc) (stack-overflow-exception? exc)) (if (noncontinuable-exception? exc) (abort exc) exc) (with-exception-catcher error-handler (lambda () (raise exc)))))
And then run the main driving routine within this like so:
(with-exception-handler mem-handler (lambda () (gen-sim-data)))