I am more interested in the -:tA case. From what I can see, your ü is being passed as 2 bytes, and is returned as 2 bytes (in this case, 2 characters), and it is the console that is interpreting this 2 byte sequence and showing a ü on the terminal. So it seems to be correct, but in fact it is not. I just want to make sure I understand this before trying to find a solution to your problem. This confusion seems to be exactly what Mikael More was trying to avoid by forcing escapes on any characters <= 127.
On Jun 19, 2015, at 1:49 PM, Atticus atticus0@posteo.org wrote:
With gsi -:tU
(string->list (cdr (shell-command "grep Ver testfile" #t)) -> (#\V #\e #\r #\h #\Ã #\¼ #\l #\l #\u #\n #\g #\newline)