On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 6:15 PM, Bradley Lucier lucier@math.purdue.edu wrote:
the routine (direct-fft-recursive-4 a table) computed the final direct (forward) FFT with 2097152 complex elements in 156 ms. This means that we were getting
(/ (* 5 2097152 21) .156)
FLOPS (because it takes $5 N \log_2 N$ floating-point operations for an FFT of size N). So that's 1411 MFLOPS with a 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo; FFTW reports about 2200 MFLOPS on a 3.0 GHz Xeon Core Duo using the Intel compiler icc here:
1411 MFLOPS seems a lot but I am no expert. Does anybody can say how many MFLOPS a current 3D real-time game needs?