I have three scm files:
(display "Hello from main.scm.") (newline) (f1a-func) (f2-func)
f1a.scm: (define (f1a-func) (display "f1a-func was called") (f2-func) (newline))
f2.scm: (define (f2-func) (display "Hello from f2.scm") (newline))
With gcc f1a.o f2.o main.o main_.o -lgambit, it compiles and generate expected output. With gcc main.o f1a.o f2.o main_.o -lgambit, it compiles but will raise an exception on missing f1a-func / f2-func.
Is this expected behavior? Any workaround exist? My testing environment is OSX El Captain
Thanks Meng