Matthieu Moy venit, vidit, dixit 15.10.2008 17:30:
"Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy" writes:
Hi Christian,
The idea of using two separate repositories for source and generated source is interesting. I would like to bring this to git mailing list, they may provide insightul comments for your idea or even other approaches.
I think the first question is: do you (and why) need to use a version control system for generated files?
I guess we can take "yes" for granted for the first part ;) As for the why: In cases like this one it's interesting to compare (read: diff) the output generated by different versions of the input.
I wonder whether a clever use of "excludes" and GIT_DIR would allow tracking the different filesets in the same dir, but using different repos. I'm just afraid it's a fragile setup, in the sense that it relies on config stuff which is not tracked (and thus not reproduced automatically on clone).