On Aug 8, 2005, at 11:00 AM, Christian wrote:
- why are DSSSL style argument declarations not allowed in
You can do this by embedding a procedure that takes DSSSL-style argument declarations inside the macro, like this code from my html library:
(##define-macro (define-tag . args) (let ((internal-define-tag (lambda (tag-name #!key (allow-core-attributes? #t) (end-tag? #t) (start-newline? #f) (end-tag-start-newline? #f) (attributes '()) (single-attributes '())) (let ((core-attributes '(class dir id lang onclick ondblclick onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onmousedown onmousemove onmouseout onmouseover onmouseup style title))) ;; the maps here are done at compile time, so they are the system map.
(let* ((attributes (if allow-core-attributes? (append attributes core-attributes) attributes)) (attribute-strings (map (lambda (x) (symbol->string x)) attributes)) (attribute-keywords (map (lambda (x) (string->keyword x)) attribute-strings)) (attribute-alist (cons 'list (map (lambda (keyword name) `(cons ,keyword (make-attribute ,name #t #f))) attribute-keywords attribute-strings))) (single-attribute-strings (map (lambda (x) (symbol->string x)) single-attributes)) (single-attribute-keywords (map (lambda (x) (string->keyword x)) single-attribute-strings)) (single-attribute-alist (cons 'list (map (lambda (keyword name) `(cons ,keyword (make-attribute ,name #f #f))) single-attribute-keywords single-attribute-strings))) (form-name (string->symbol (string-append "<" (symbol->string tag-name) ">")))) `(define (,form-name . args) (let ((attribute-alist ,(if (null? attribute-keywords) ''() attribute-alist)) (single-attribute-alist ,(if (null? single-attribute-keywords) ''() single-attribute-alist))) (let ((args (html-parse-args ,(list 'quote form-name) ,end-tag? attribute-alist single-attribute-alist args))) (html-build-form ,(symbol->string tag-name) attribute-alist single-attribute-alist args ,start-newline? ,end-tag-start-newline? ,end-tag?)))))))))
(apply internal-define-tag args)))