Hey Guys
I came in a little late on the web framework discussion, so please excuse me, but I am very interested in a Scheme web framework. I've got a project going called "Zen Garden" which is a webserver that is based on the example packaged with Gambit.
Currently I have MySQL bindings, templating (with a ported version of text-template), and a simple rules engine to deal with requests. I am working on some more concrete examples, and some better and more useful rule engines.
The design of the framework is to be as rest/http-friendly as possible from the get-go. I also want to make a very developer friendly framework that does things like store a continuation during an error state so that it can be inspected later. Most of my design is outlined in this blog entry: http://blog.jonnay.net/archives/769-Imagine-a-webserver....html
I have everything up on a SVN repository: http://www.bunny.jonnay.net/zengarden/trunk so feel free to have a look.