On 2011-11-04, at 10:06 AM, Vok Vojwo wrote:
2011/11/3 Marc Feeley feeley@iro.umontreal.ca:
The actual C callback needs to pass the "callback data" (the wrapped closure) to scheme-callback by calling scheme_callback.
Thanks for the information. It was very useful to understand the Scheme-C interaction.
But the problem is much bigger than I thought, because only simple Gtk callbacks require no parameters. There are many signals which want to pass arguments to the callback function. The delete-from-cursor of the entry widget is such a signal:
And because of that it would not help much to be able to call a Scheme function without arguments. It is necessary to convert all arguments to Scheme values and call a Scheme function from C. I think I have to follow the link Alex has posted. The problem can not be solved without the Gtk marshal functions.
You are not obligated to use void functions. You can pass parameters and return results. There must be one type of "scheme_callback" function for each signature however.