I am a very satisfied Gambit user. (prebuilt/gambc-v4_6_0-windows-mingw.exe) Now I wont to use latest version. (prebuilt/gambc-v4_7_3-windows-mingw32.exe) (prebuilt/gambc-v4_7_3-windows-mingw64.exe)
But I can not use latest version of shell-command as below. ----- C:\Gambit-C_32bit\v4.6.0\bin>gsi Gambit v4.6.0
(shell-command "echo hello > newfile1")
--- C:\Gambit-C_32bit\v4.7.3\bin>gsi Gambit v4.7.3
(shell-command "echo helo > newfile1")
'"echo helo > newfile1' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 256
--- C:\Gambit-C_64bit\v4.7.3\bin>gsi Gambit v4.7.3
(shell-command "echo helo > newfile1")
'"echo helo > newfile1' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. 256
Is there any way to solve this?
Thanks in advance.