Please check if the attached files are valuable as replacement content for your std/srfi directory.
If they are, please email Per updates (for instance in diff format).
Alternatively you could use the BH syntactictower branch, it's not as tested as the default one though. In there the name of the srfi 13 module is (srfi strings) afaik.
2011/5/18 Matthew Koichi Grimes
I'm having trouble getting up and running with blackhole. I've installed it, and when I run "bsc", I get the following prompt:
Loaded Black Hole. Gambit v4.6.1
So far, so good. However, when I try to import srfi-13 (bundled with blackhole), I get this error:
(import (std srfi/13))
*** ERROR -- Wrong number of arguments passed to procedure (14_#char-set-adjoin! '#<14_#:char-set #2 14_#s: "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0... #\xb5)
For reference, here are the steps I've followed to install blackhole:
- installed the blackhole/ directory in /usr/local/share/
- put in the PATH a soft link to gsc called bsc.
- compiled blackhole by running "gsc build" from within the blackhole
directory. 4) Added the following to .gambcini:
(let ((blackhole-path "/usr/local/share/blackhole")) (and (equal? (path-strip-directory (car (command-line))) "bsc") (load (path-expand "build" blackhole-path)) (begin (set! module#ns-file (path-expand "ns.dat" blackhole-path)) (println "Loaded Black Hole."))))
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, -- Matt
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