Hi Gambit List,
What's the simplest way to append 32bit unsigned integers to a file in gambit? (not bothered about maintaining endian portability or anything)
I'm currently using a C hack (see below), but it feels like there ought to be something less clunky.
(c-declare "#include <stdio.h>")
(define fopen (c-lambda (nonnull-char-string nonnull-char-string) (pointer "FILE") "fopen"))
(define fclose (c-lambda ((pointer "FILE")) int32 "fclose"))
(define write-u32vector-to-file ; args: port, u32-vector, len (c-lambda ((pointer "FILE") scheme-object unsigned-int32) int32 "___result = fwrite((void*)(___BODY_AS(___arg2,___tSUBTYPED)), 4, ___arg3, ___arg1);"))
(define read-u32vector-from-file ; args: port, u32-vector, len (c-lambda ((pointer "FILE") scheme-object unsigned-int32) int32 "___result = fread((void*)(___BODY_AS(___arg2,___tSUBTYPED)), 4, ___arg3, ___arg1);"))