On 9/14/08, Christian Jaeger christian@pflanze.mine.nu wrote:
You would be able to get it down to:
'(foo syntax 1)
(foo . #'1)
Dunno about the reason.
If you wanted, you could try this simple, unfinished and unpolished printer instead:
(define (pretty-print x) (cond ((symbol? x) (display x) (display " ")) ((string? x) (display (list #" x #" #\space))) ((pair? x) (display #() (let lp ((x x)) (pretty-print (car x)) (let ((d (cdr x))) (cond ((null? d) (display #))) ((pair? d) (lp d)) (else (display #.) (pretty-print d)))))) ((null? x) (display #() (display #))) ((number? x) (display x) (display #\space)) (else (error "don't know type of:" x))))
Thanks, this is all I need for transformations.