You seem to be on a 32 bit CPU. That is probably an important parameter. Can you try on another, 64 bit, machine?
On 2013-09-25, at 7:45 PM, Bradley Lucier wrote:
Here's what I did on my Mac portable, and didn't find any problems:
1 19:16 pu programs/gambit-devel/ 3 19:16 git clone 4 19:19 cd gambit 6 19:21 ./configure 'CC=/pkgs/gcc-4.8.1/bin/gcc -march=native' '--enable-multiple-versions' '--enable-single-host' 7 19:21 make -j4 bootstrap 8 19:23 make -j4 bootclean 9 19:23 make -j4 bootstrap
10 19:25 make -j4 bootclean 11 19:25 make -j4 12 19:28 make check 13 19:33 git apply --stat _num-scm.patch 14 19:33 git apply --check _num-scm.patch 15 19:34 git apply _num-scm.patch 16 19:34 vi lib/_num.scm 17 19:35 make 18 19:36 make check
The 'git apply _num-scm.patch' command gave the following output
[Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/programs/gambit-devel/gambit] lucier% git apply _num-scm.patch _num-scm.patch:14: trailing whitespace.
_num-scm.patch:18: trailing whitespace.
_num-scm.patch:229: trailing whitespace.
_num-scm.patch:230: trailing whitespace.
_num-scm.patch:259: trailing whitespace.
warning: squelched 3 whitespace errors warning: 8 lines add whitespace errors.
Here's my environment
[Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/programs/gambit-devel/gambit] lucier% gsi/gsi -v v4.7.0 20130924213249 i386-apple-darwin10.8.0 "./configure 'CC=/pkgs/gcc-4.8.1/bin/gcc -march=native' '--enable-multiple-versions' '--enable-single-host'"
[Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro:~/programs/gambit-devel/gambit] lucier% uname -a Darwin Bradley-Luciers-MacBook-Pro.local 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
So I don't know what's happening. You seem to be running 10.8; I'm running 10.6.8, but I don't see how that could matter.
Here are the two routines inlined to this message in case you want to apply them by hand. The first routine is a new routine at top level, the second replaces the existing naive-div.
(define-prim (##bignum.arithmetic-shift-into! x shift result)
#| Shifts x by shift bits into result. Will eventually replace other "shift"ing code.
Left pads by sign bit as necessary, right pads by zeros as necessary. Makes *no* error checks. |#
;; allocates nothing (declare (not interrupts-enabled))
(let* ((bit-shift (##fxmodulo shift ##bignum.adigit-width)) (digit-shift (##fxquotient (##fx- shift bit-shift) ##bignum.adigit-width)) (x-length (##bignum.adigit-length x)) (result-length (##bignum.adigit-length result)) (zeros ##bignum.adigit-zeros) (left-fill (if (##bignum.negative? x) ##bignum.adigit-ones ##bignum.adigit-zeros))) (if (##fxzero? bit-shift) ;; Copy left-fill into leftmost digits of result as needed. (let loop1 ((i (##fx- result-length 1)) ; index for adigit in result (j (##fx- result-length 1 digit-shift))) ; index for adigit in x (if (and (##fx>= i 0) (##fx>= j x-length)) (begin (##bignum.adigit-copy! result i left-fill 0) (loop1 (##fx- i 1) (##fx- j 1))) ;; Copy the digits from x into result as needed. (let loop2 ((i i) (j j)) (if (and (##fx>= i 0) (##fx>= j 0)) (begin (##bignum.adigit-copy! result i x j) (loop2 (##fx- i 1) (##fx- j 1))) ;; copy zero into digits of result as needed. (let loop3 ((i i)) (if (##fx>= i 0) (begin (##bignum.adigit-copy! result i zeros 0) (loop3 (##fx- i 1))))))))) (let () ;; copy left-fill into leftmost digits of result as needed, ;; then concatenate left-fill with leftmost digit of x if needed. (define (loop4 i j) (if (and (##fx>= i 0) (##fx>= j x-length)) (begin (##bignum.adigit-copy! result i left-fill 0) (loop4 (##fx- i 1) (##fx- j 1))) (if (##fx>= i 0) (if (##fx= (##fx+ j 1) x-length) (begin (##bignum.adigit-cat! result i left-fill 0 x j bit-shift) (loop5 (##fx- i 1) (##fx- j 1))) (loop5 i j))))) ;; concatenate adjacent digits of x into result as needed, ;; then concatenate rightmost digit of x with 0 if needed. (define (loop5 i j) (if (and (##fx>= i 0) (##fx>= j 0)) (begin (##bignum.adigit-cat! result i x (##fx+ j 1) x j bit-shift) (loop5 (##fx- i 1) (##fx- j 1))) (if (##fx>= i 0) (if (##fx= (##fx+ j 1) 0) (begin (##bignum.adigit-cat! result i x 0 zeros 0 bit-shift) (loop6 (##fx- i 1))) (loop6 i))))) ;; copy 0 into rightmost digits of x as needed. (define (loop6 i) (if (##fx>= i 0) (begin (##bignum.adigit-copy! result i zeros 0) (loop6 (##fx- i 1)))))
(loop4 (##fx- result-length 1) ; index for adigit in result (##fx- result-length digit-shift 2)))) ; index for adigit in x
;; return something useful result))
(define (naive-div u v)
;; u is a normalized bignum, v is a possibly unnormalized bignum ;; u >= v >= ##bignum.mdigit-base
;; on a 64-bit machine, allocates three words (24 bytes) for temp
(let ((need-quotient? #t) ;; will be made an optional argument later (keep-dividend? #t) ;; will be made an optional argument later (n (let loop1 ((i (##fx- (##bignum.mdigit-length v) 1))) (if (##fx< 0 (##bignum.mdigit-ref v i)) (##fx+ i 1) (loop1 (##fx- i 1))))) (u-bits (##integer-length u)) (v-bits (##integer-length v))) (let* ((temp (##bignum.make (if (and (##fx= ##bignum.adigit-width 64) (##fx= ##bignum.mdigit-width 16)) ;; need three mdigits for top-bits-of-u, which will fit into one adigit 1 ;; in the other cases, we need two adigits 2) #f #f)) (top-2*mdigit-width-bits-of-v (##bignum.arithmetic-shift-into! v (##fx- (##fx* ##bignum.mdigit-width 2) v-bits) temp)) (v_n-1 (##bignum.mdigit-ref top-2*mdigit-width-bits-of-v 1)) (v_n-2 (##bignum.mdigit-ref top-2*mdigit-width-bits-of-v 0)))
;; Knuth says to simplify things by shifting u and v so that ;; the top nonzero mdigit of v is >= mdigit-base/2
;; We're not going to do the shift, but we're going to use that ;; idea to do the next calculation.
;; this strategy does more work, but generates less garbage.
(let* ((conceptual-shift (##fx- ##bignum.mdigit-width (##fxlength (##bignum.mdigit-ref v (##fx- n 1))))) (shifted-v-adigits (##fxquotient (##fx+ v-bits conceptual-shift 64) ##bignum.adigit-width)) (shifted-u-adigits (##fxquotient (##fx+ u-bits conceptual-shift 64) ##bignum.adigit-width)) (q-adigits (##fx+ (##fx- shifted-u-adigits shifted-v-adigits) 2)) ; 1 is not always sufficient... (q-mdigits (##fxquotient (##fx* q-adigits ##bignum.adigit-width) ##bignum.mdigit-width)) (q (and need-quotient? (##bignum.make q-adigits #f #f))) (u (if keep-dividend? ;; copy u (##bignum.make (##bignum.adigit-length u) u #f) ;; overwrite u with remainder u))) (let loop3 ((j (##fx- q-mdigits 1))) (if (##not (##fx< j 0)) (let* ((top-bits-of-u (##bignum.arithmetic-shift-into! u (##fx- (##fx* (##fx- 2 j) ##bignum.mdigit-width) v-bits) temp)) (q-hat (let ((q-hat (##bignum.mdigit-quotient top-bits-of-u 2 v_n-1)) (u_n+j-2 (##bignum.mdigit-ref top-bits-of-u 0 ))) (let ((r-hat (##bignum.mdigit-remainder top-bits-of-u 2 v_n-1 q-hat))) (if (or (##fx= q-hat ##bignum.mdigit-base) (##bignum.mdigit-test? q-hat v_n-2 r-hat u_n+j-2)) (let ((q-hat (##fx- q-hat 1)) (r-hat (##fx+ r-hat v_n-1))) (if (and (##fx< r-hat ##bignum.mdigit-base) (or (##fx= q-hat ##bignum.mdigit-base) (##bignum.mdigit-test? q-hat v_n-2 r-hat u_n+j-2))) (##fx- q-hat 1) q-hat)) q-hat))))) (##declare (not interrupts-enabled)) (if (##fx= q-hat 0) (begin (and need-quotient? (##bignum.mdigit-set! q j q-hat)) (loop3 (##fx- j 1))) (let loop4 ((i j) (k 0) (borrow 0)) (if (##fx< k n) (loop4 (##fx+ i 2) (##fx+ k 2) (##bignum.mdigit-div! u (##fx+ i 1) v (##fx+ k 1) q-hat (##bignum.mdigit-div! u i v k q-hat borrow))) (let ((borrow (if (or (##fx< n k) (##fx= i (##bignum.mdigit-length u)) (##fx= (##bignum.mdigit-ref u i) 0)) borrow (##bignum.mdigit-div! u i ##bignum.adigit-zeros 0 q-hat borrow)))) (if (##fx< borrow 0) (let loop5 ((i j) (l 0) (carry 0)) (if (##fx>= l n) (begin (if (##not (or (##fx< n k) (##fx= i (##bignum.mdigit-length u)) (##fx= (##bignum.mdigit-ref u i) 0))) (##bignum.mdigit-mul! u i ##bignum.adigit-zeros 0 1 carry)) (and need-quotient? (##bignum.mdigit-set! q j (##fx- q-hat 1))) (loop3 (##fx- j 1))) (loop5 (##fx+ i 2) (##fx+ l 2) (##bignum.mdigit-mul! u (##fx+ i 1) v (##fx+ l 1) 1 (##bignum.mdigit-mul! u i v l 1 carry))))) (begin (and need-quotient? (##bignum.mdigit-set! q j q-hat)) (loop3 (##fx- j 1))))))))) (##cons (and need-quotient? (##bignum.normalize! q)) (##bignum.normalize! u))))))))