You have a single quote floating out there with nothing after it.
You probably should also define hrs1 and hrs2 to something, and not rely on `set!' to return a value. On Oct 31, 2011 11:45 AM, "Steve Graham" wrote:
Newbie here. I'm trying to run a scheme program from gsi and getting an error I don't understand:
C:\gambit\gambitv4.6.2\v4.6.2\bin>type timecalc.sch (define hrs1) (define hrs2) (display "Hrs 1: ") (set! hrs1 (read)) (display "\nHrs 2: ") (set! hrs2 (read))
(print "\n\n" (+ hrs1 hrs2) " hours --> $" (* (+ hrs1 hrs2) 22))'
C:\gambit\gambitv4.6.2\v4.6.2\bin>gsi -:d0 timecalc.sch
C:\gambit\gambitv4.6.2\v4.6.2\bin>gsi timecalc.sch *** ERROR IN "timecalc.sch"@7.1 -- Datum expected
C:\gambit\gambitv4.6.2\v4.6.2\bin>gsi Gambit v4.6.2
(load "timecalc.sch")
*** ERROR IN "timecalc.sch"@7.1 -- Datum expected 1>
Any tips?
TIA, Steve
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