An alternative solution to this is:
Given (define foo ...)
and "foo", is there a function that will map
"foo" to the function foo is defined to? There's string->symbol but not symbol->definition
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 3:44 AM, lowly wrote:
This bar is in another world. Try to add the second parameter to eval (the environment), just to be sure
What are you referring to here? According to gambit-c.txt, the second parameter, [ENV] is ignored.
-- procedure: eval EXPR [ENV] The first parameter is a datum representing an expression. The `eval' procedure evaluates this expression in the global interaction environment and returns the result. If present, the second parameter is ignored (it is provided for compatibility with R5RS).
For example:
> (eval '(+ 1 2)) 3 > ((eval 'car) '(1 2)) 1 > (eval '(define x 5)) > x 5