On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 7:23 PM, Joel J. Adamson wrote:
It's as close to what's in the info file as I could get and include the relevant linking information. Here's the Makefile:
Okay, instead of calling it "genxic.o" you're going to want to call it "genxic.o1" or some other number for the 1.
The Gambit loader checks the file extension to see if it's a dynamic library, and it appears to only recognize extensions which match the regex /.o[1-9][0-9]*/ as such. Otherwise it attempts to load the file as a source file. That's why you're getting that funny error; it's treating your binary file as a .scm file. :)
Beyond that, you don't want to give a dynamic library the .o extension; that's reserved for object files which haven't gone through the link phase yet.