Resting on laurels!
BTW I built a relatively large graphical VLSI application on a Symbolics Lisp Machine in the mid-80's. The Lisp environment was very advanced at the time, and I enjoyed it.
My question is why Lisp/Scheme seems to be behind *now*, when it should be even farther ahead given the long head-start it had. It may have been true when Peter said it, but that was just at the start of the rise of the scripting languages (Python, etc). Note that Microsoft has had a very reasonable JScript debugger since the late 90's.
Joel J. Adamson wrote:
"Derek" == Derek Peschel writes:
Derek> they never got source debugging.)
Interesting and good to know; my point still stands that Lisp had debuggers before Ruby and Python ever existed ;) Peter Norvig even said (circa 1997) that Lisp still has best interactive system of any language[1].
Footnotes: [1], around a quarter of the way down the page