On Mar 16, 2009, at 6:46 PM, David Rush wrote:
2009/3/16 James Long longster@gmail.com:
Does anyone have a Gambit Scheme library for tessellating 2d polygons with triangles? It should take a random number of 2d points and return a list of triangles. It doesn't need to handle holes.
Surely there is more to it than this? It seems almost ludicrously simple as you've stated it. Or do you mean that the random points are in the interior of the polygon and must be used? Is there some kind of optimization measure to be satisfied?
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I realized what I'm looking for is called "polygon triangulation," as described here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon_triangulation ). So it's more complex than randomly assembling triangles from the points; all of the points need to form a possibly concave polygon without any overlapping triangles.
I guess I'll need to find a working C library and port it. I was hoping someone else might have already done this though!
- James