Thanks a lot for clarifying Marc. That's very useful!!
The only thing that doesn't work using the string->keyword trick is define-type, which doesn't have a ##define-type to bypass psyntax expansion.
(define-type my-type (string->keyword "constructor") whatever a b)
(whatever 1 2) *** ERROR -- Ill-formed special form: define-type (define-type my (string->keyword "constructor") whatever a b)
I've always used Gambit with BH so I didn't stumbled upon these issues before. I've also realized that define-macro's can be referred within file B if you have the macro defined in A and you load B from A; when you use psyntax. This isn't possible when you are using plain Gambit.
alvatar@asia~ $ cat testA.scm (define-macro (push! list obj) `(set! ,list (cons ,obj ,list)))
(load "testB")
alvatar@asia~ $ cat testB.scm (define l '(b c)) (push! l 'a) (pp l)
alvatar@asia~ $ gsc -e '(load "testA")' *** ERROR IN "testB.scm"@2.2 -- Unbound variable: push!
alvatar@asia~ $ gsc -:s -e '(load "testA")' (a b c)
I don't get the origin of this behavior and how can I controll it (for example make it work in Gambit without psyntax).
Thanks again for your replies.
2012/3/4 Marc Feeley
On 2012-03-04, at 11:22 AM, Álvaro Castro-Castilla wrote:
I see. The only reason I miss syntax-rules is for some SRFIs and libs like Kanren, completely implemented as syntax-rules. Otherwise I'm happier with define-macro :)
Thanks for your reply
By the way, I should have mentionned in my previous message that when using the -:s switch, you still have access to ##lambda which does support DSSSL parameter lists. The form ##lambda has the same syntax as lambda, but it is not under the control of the psyntax expander (which defines lambda as a macro).
So you can do this:
% gsi -:s Gambit v4.6.4
(define f (lambda (a b #!optional (c (+ a b)) #!rest d) (list a b c d)))
*** ERROR -- invalid parameter list in (lambda (a b #!optional (c (+ a b)) #!rest d) (list a b c d))
(define f (##lambda (a b #!optional (c (+ a b)) #!rest d) (list a b c d))) (f 0 1 2 3 4)
(0 1 2 (3 4))
(define f (##lambda (a b #!key (c (+ a b)) #!rest d) (list a b c d))) (f 11 22)
(11 22 33 ())
(f 11 22 c: 99)
*** ERROR IN (console)@6.10 -- Unbound variable: c: 1>
(f 11 22 (string->keyword "c") 99)
(11 22 99 ())
(define c: (string->keyword "c")) (f 11 22 c: 99)
(11 22 99 ())