On 22-Oct-06, at 9:11 AM, Marc Feeley wrote:
You could modify gsi/_gsi.scm so that it does not search for the initialization file, for example you could remove:
(if (##not skip-initialization-file?) (process-initialization-file))
That should get you to the next problem, but I think you are getting close to a working Gambit.
Actually, for the moment, you can replace all of gsi/_gsi.scm with the call
Now since you will not have a console on the Nintendo, you have to start thinking about how the interaction will work. Using the web- repl example is a good idea, but before you can use that you have to debug the networking layer. So you should use gsi/_gsi.scm as your testing module, starting with things like:
(define p (open-tcp-client (list server-address: "www.iro.umontreal.ca" ; or #u8(192 168 0 1) port-number: 80 eol-encoding: 'cr-lf))) (pretty-print p)
(display "GET /index.html\n\n" p) (force-output p) (pretty-print (read-line p))